
Popcorn Machine


Gold Medal is widely recognized as a leading fun food equipment manufacturer and supplier when it comes to popcorn machines for HK. It endeavours to provide top quality products and services to customers. “Snacks, Smiles & Success” is the core value that the brand holds to build a trusting relationship with their clients.




Ultra 60 Special Popper 6oz

Super 88 8oz

Floor Model w/ BIB Oil System 32oz


32oz Counter Popper

Full Catalog



Supplies: Popcorn and Cotton Candy Materials

Other Machine: Cotton Candy Machine and Others

Create Sweet Treats

Popcorn is an all-time popular type of snack that people of any age would love. It is a highly profitable and promising business not just for the catering field but also for the entertainment business such as cinemas, game centres, stadiums and theme parks. To meet the needs of different locations, the popcorn machines we provide come in all shapes and sizes, popping from a small amount of 60 oz up to 1200 oz of popcorn per hour. Whether you are running small concession stands, a school snack bar, a grocery store or even large cinema chains, there will be a model that fits your location well.

Gold Medal – The Gold Standard for Popcorn Machines

A good popcorn machine should always be much more than just being able to pop tasty popcorn. The Gold Medal poppers have several distinguishing features that appeal not only to the customers but also to the sellers. One most popular feature is the “PowerOff” control which is a safety measure that switches off the machine idling for 15 minutes. If your operator is managing a few food machines at the same time, there will be less worries that the popper may be overheated. Apart from machine safety, hygiene is another major area of concern. The Gold Medal poppers come with stainless steel kettles which are very easy to clean and maintain, and the “PopClean” system that traps and filters steam smoke and oil vapours so that the business premises and the surrounding environment would not be polluted. It is never easier to maintain hygiene standards when you can save so much time and effort in cleaning food machines.

While the aroma of fresh popcorn attracts customers, the design of the popcorn machine counts as well. Our popcorn machines for HK have eye-catching colours and shapes, such as the vintage style, the art deco style and the 90s carts and wagons style. For the high-volume Cornado Series, some models come with a LED neon sign that helps your machine stand out in very crowded venues. Having one of these nice poppers is not just purchasing a machine, but also a great advertising tool that may facilitate crowd flow and promote your business!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much popcorn can you make with the Gold Medal popcorn machine?

The Gold Medal popcorn machine is offered in multiple models, for rental and purchase, that
will allow you to prepare different quantities of popcorn based on the needs of the situation and location. You can pop anywhere between 60 oz of popcorn per hour and 1200 oz of popcorn per hour depending on the specific machine model that you choose. There are floor models, counter poppers, Ultra machine models, and even popcorn warmers that will come in handy and allow you to serve customers in the best manner possible. When high volumes are required, the Cornado series will be the perfect option.

Where can you use a Gold Medal popcorn machine in Hong Kong?

Popcorn is something most people love. People are drawn to popcorn machines in HK whether it is at a movie theatre, a carnival, or just the street corner. The popcorn machine can be used in game centers, theme parks, stadiums, and cinema halls. It can also be kept at your local grocery store, small concession stands, or even a school snack bar. Whether people are enjoying a movie or not, a popcorn machine is always fascinating to them. There’s just something about getting to eat popcorn after watching it pop in a machine.

What safety features does the Gold Medal popcorn machine have?

The Gold Medal popcorn models have a Power Off option that automatically turns the machine off after it has been idle for 15 minutes. This protects against the risk of machines overheating. There is also a Pop Clean control option that can be used for trapping and filtering oil vapours and protecting the surrounding environment from becoming polluted. The long-lasting stainless-steel surface also makes the task of cleaning a lot easier.

What other popcorn supplies are available?

There’s a lot more that goes into the full experience of popcorn than just the popcorn machine. That’s why other popcorn supplies also become crucial to the process of making the most of your Gold Medal popcorn machine. This includes the oil used, flavoured topping options, scoops, trays, and more. Everything from the start of making the popcorn to the container in which it is served are offered as popcorn supplies by Gold Medal.

How can having a Gold Medal popcorn machine help your business?

Having a machine to sell popcorn in itself is a big attraction. But the Gold Medal machines not only come with a competitive price, but they also have several additional features that make them stand out. They come in different styles including 90s carts, vintage style, art deco style, and in the style of a wagon. They also have unique color options that can draw people’s attention. Some models even come with an LED neon sign so that the machine stands out especially in a crowded spot.

Why should you choose a Gold Medal popcorn machine for rental or purchase?

Safety, reliability, heat control, and easy cleaning are just some of the reasons to choose a Gold Medal popcorn machine for your Hong Kong business. The stainless-steel surface also lasts long.